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Задание: Кто виноват в безработице?


Advanced Level

Аутсорсинг на марше

Вот уже который месяц на планете свирепствует глобальный финансовый кризис. Сворачиваются производства, замораживаются проекты, рушатся хозяйственые связи. Среди множества факторов, ответственных за бедственное состояние экономики развитых стран, не последнюю роль играет тенденция к оттоку рабочих мест за границу — так называемый аутсорсинг, оставляющий местное трудоспособное население за бортом жизни. Кто же виноват в происходящем? Кто выпил всю воду из крана источника средств к существованию? Многие указывают пальцем на вполне определенный регион, и об этом — репортаж агентства Associated Press.

Тему для этого задания предложила Sealerinka, которая тем самым получает место в разборе полетов. Еще одно место достанется тому, кто предложит подходящий факультативный ролик.

Материалы задания

Ознакомиться с инструкцией к заданию 

Каждое задание уровня Advanced содержит следующие материалы:

  • Видеоролик (в тексте задания).
  • Аудиофрагмент для заучивания.
  • Транскрипт этого фрагмента.
  • Произвольный текст на русском.

Собственно задание заключается в выполнении четырех упражнений:

  1. Прослушать запись, попытаться распознать и записать услышанное.
  2. Свериться с прилагаемым текстом, понять/перевести на русский.
  3. Выучить наизусть.
  4. Перевести русский текст на английский.

Подробнее о формате заданий этого уровня…

1. Аудиозапись

(скачать mp3 файл)

2. Транскрипт аудиозаписи

Doctor Helen Harkness is a career counselor who helps out-of-work professionals find jobs. Her list of clients right now is long, but many of them have been out of work so long they can no longer pay. Harkness says, because of outsourcing American workers must become more agressive and creative.

3. Текст для перевода

Переведите отрывок из статьи

Масса индийских инженеров и программистов перебрались в свое время за океан и уютно устроились в Силиконовой долине. Однако в последнее время все больше индийцев, натурализовавшихся в США и преуспевших там, возвращаются на родину. Чаще всего они оседают в Бангалоре, на юге страны. В этой неофициальной столице информационных технологий построен даже «электронный город» – квартал, окруженный прозрачной оградой, где посреди идеально подстриженных лужаек, теннисных кортов и кафе, стоят невысокие, в четыре–пять этажей, офисы фирм – индийских или иностранных.

Источник: Независимая газета

Ответы участников

Всего ответов: 69 (просмотреть)

Ответы принимаются только от зарегистрированных участников.

Разбор полетов

Ну что ж, друзья, вот мы и добрались до первого разбора полетов в этом сезоне. Согласно договоренности, сегодня мы будем анализировать работы Sealerinka и Codetyper, которые предложили тему занятия и факультативный ролик для транскрибирования, соответственно. Но сначала, как обычно, мой собственный перевод:

A while ago, crowds of West Indian engineers and programmers crossed the ocean and settled comfortably in Silicon Valley. However, more and more of those naturalized newcomers who were doing well in the USA are now returning to their homeland. Many of them settle in Bangalore down South. In this unofficial capital of the national IT industry, a district has been built known as the Electronic City. Fenced off by a tall transparent wall, arranged with perfectly trimmed lawns, tennis courts and cafes, it embraces an array of four— and five-storey buildings where international and domestic companies have set their offices.

А теперь работа Sealerinka:

There was a period when a lot of of Indian engineers and programmers moved beyond the ocean and set themselves comfortable in Silicon Valley. However, now more and more Indians, who have naturalized and succeeded in the USA, are coming back home. The most popular place for them to settle there is Bangalore in the south of the country. Bangalore is generally known as an unofficial capital of Indian IT, with Electronics City inside it. Electronics City is an area enclosed with a transparent fence, where perfectly mown lawns, tennis courts and cafes alternate with four or five-storey offices both of Indian and foreign companies.

Звуковое приложение:

set themselves comfortable — здесь set themselves переводится как возвратный глагол "устроились", и в качестве обстоятельства требует наречия, comfortably. Эта конструкция отличается от той, что использована в ответе Codetyper: made themselves comfortable, где прилагательное comfortable выступает в роли объектного дополнения (см. раздел Ликбеза 3.6.3 Объектное дополнение).

south — названия частей света всегда пишутся с большой буквы: South.

an unofficial capital — столица по определению предполагает единственность, поэтому это слово практически всегда используется с определенным артиклем: the capital.

В целом работа очень приличная, на крепкую звездочку . Следующий на очереди Codetyper:

Lots of Indian engineers and programmers once time moved across ocean and made themselves comfortable in Silicon Valley. But last time ever more Indians have naturalized in USA and have succeed in life are going back to home. As often as not they settle in Bangalore, in the south. In this unofficial IT-capital has even been built "electronic town" ("e-town" smile. It's the area enclosed with a transparent fence. Inside, among the well-trimmed lawns, tennis courts and cafes there are some low-rise, four— or five-storey office buildings of Indian and foreign companies.

Звуковое приложение:

once time — нет такого выражения: есть once upon a time, но здесь больше подходит one time или once.

across ocean — пропущен артикль: across the ocean.

last time — выражение last time (обычно с определенным артиклем, the last time) означает "в прошлый раз", а в значении "последнее время" не используется; подходящим переводом могло бы быть recently, lately, in the past.

USA — всегда употребляется с опредеденным артиклем: the USA.

to home — здесь home — это наречие, и употребляется без предлога to: home.

succeed — почему не в форме Past Participle? Правильно: succeeded.

more Indians have naturalized in USA and have succeed in life are going back to home — если выбрали форму Present Perfect (а не причастие naturalized), то использовать причастный оборот здесь не получится, а надо преобразовывать в сложное предложение со своим подлежащим, функцию которого выполняет местоимение who (которые): more Indians who have naturalized in the USA and have succeeded in life are going back home.

Update: И еще один огрех, на который указал remike: неверный порядок слов в следующем предложении:

In this unofficial IT-capital has even been built "electronic town" — согласно законам английской грамматики, сначала должно идти подлежащее (electronic town), затем сказаемое, ну или в крайнем случае можно ввести инверсию через конструкцию с there: In this unofficial IT-capital, there has even been built an "electronic town". Хотя в таком виде, если честно, предложение звучит довольно коряво.

Что касается звуковых ответов: озвучка у Sealerinka уверенная и в целом вполне на уровне. Можно порекомендовать сильнее смягчать и "носифицировать" n в окончаниях -ing. Это же замечание относится к Codetyper; кроме того, из-за неверного ударения слово career превратилось в carrier.

Замечание по поводу выражения in due time, которое многие использовали в своих ответах: оно означает "в свое время" применительно к будущему: you will find that out in due time (ты узнаешь об этом в свое время, т. е. когда придет пора, когда настанет срок). В нашем же отрывке речь идет о делах прошлого, и для такого применения выражение in due time нам по смыслу не подходит.

Из других ответов отметим работы участников Митрофан, Klara100, Nastia Ivanova, Assemgul, Lankaster, Shumi и Fusanna. Поздравим также Avabela с пятым по счету удачным ответом, что в соответствии с регламентом означает присвоение звания Бакалавра.

На этом разбор полетов завершается, до встречи на следующем занятии!

Ссылки по теме:

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Комментарии (39):

Sealerinka, 16.11.2019 в 00:21
/ 589

Хотелось бы уточнить по поводу "электронного города". Вот я читала опять же в журнале "Вокруг света" целую статью про Бангалор. Так вот там написано, что Electronics City — это не квартал, а территория в южных пригородах Бангалора площадью в 1,3 кв.км. Кроме Electronics City еще одной такой же крупной площадкой является Whitefield, а есть еще и множество других поменьше. В целом, для текста перевода это роли не играет, конечно же, но так для расширения кругозора в контексте данной темы знать можно, наверное.

Stampede, 16.11.2019 в 00:54
/ 3196

Sealerinka, ну не надо же так узко воспринимать слова. Ведь и Le Quartier Latin — это отнюдь не блок, ограниченный четырьмя улицами. А на то, что Электроный город — это больше, чем квартал в буквальном понимании, указывают такие подробности в тексте, как лужайки и тенисные корты. Вы ведь немного теннисных кортов сможете упихать в стандартный городской квартал? smile

Codetyper, 16.11.2019 в 03:11
/ 678

бывшее "Хочу в разбор smile"

Факультативный ролик

watch more videos around this topic





и даже: Ethics of Outsourcing Pregnancy to India

Хотя, по данной промблеме выскажусь так:
тут прозрачно, что индусы, китайцы и др. дешевые пролетарии не виноваты. Аутсорсинг — это не причина, это следствие. Следствие чего? Это уже другой вопрос.

Sealerinka, 16.11.2019 в 04:28
/ 589

Codetyper, не знаю насчет виноваты или нет, но факт такой имеется. Я сама работала когда-то в веб-агентстве, и мы предоставляли услуги аутсорсинга. Так я могу сказать, что большую часть дохода мы получали именно от буржуйских заказов. А что касается Штатов, то у них даже есть такое выражение "my job was/got bangalored".

отсюда — bangalored
You are bangalored when you get fired from your job because it was outsourced to an offshore company. The name derives from the city of Bangalore, India, where a lot of IT jobs in the US are being outsourced.

Dude, I just got bangalored! Now I'm gonna have to train on flipping burgers at McDonalds.

Sealerinka, 16.11.2019 в 04:44
/ 589

> ну не надо же так узко воспринимать слова
Есть у меня такое, я слишком буквально все воспринимаю. У нас на весь городишко один теннисный корт всего smile

Stampede, 16.11.2019 в 05:51
/ 3196

> тут прозрачно, что индусы, китайцы и др. дешевые пролетарии не виноваты.
> Аутсорсинг — это не причина, это следствие.

Конечно, Codetyper, именно что следствие. Происходит то же самое, что имело место во второй половине прошлого века: массовый вывод всего производства в страны третьего мира, только теперь это уже касается технологичных сфер, и при нынешней инфраструктуре стоимость подобных изменений будет только снижаться. Корпорациям ведь пофиг на нематериальные факторы: если что-то сулит выгоду, оно будет внедрено. Закон природы.

Но возвращаясь к предмету: аудирование делать будем? Кто начнет?

Sealerinka, 16.11.2019 в 06:07
/ 589

Dave Leonnig: I never thought that I would ever with my skills not be able to find a job.

Corr: Dave Leonnig is looking for work every single day. He's been laid off from his last several jobs in the tech industry and blames outsourcing for the lack of jobs available today.

Dave Leonnig: As a United States citizen and the person who wants to work.. yeah, of course I'm mad. I'm damn mad, that…that… that somebody's gonna try to… you know, outsource more jobs and take more positions from this country, we have our own problems.

Corr: And Leonnig is not alone. As markets continue to tumble and the job outlook gets worse, more people are pointing a finger at outsourcing. And it even became a popular battle cry in this year's campaign.

amolotkov, 16.11.2019 в 07:00
/ 410

дождались! smile

Codetyper, 16.11.2019 в 10:32
/ 678

Dave Leonnig (DL): I never thought that I would ever with my skills … to find a job.
Narrator (N): DL is looking for work every single day. He is (then/being?) (lade/late?) off from his last several jobs in the Tech-industry and blames outsourcing for the lack of jobs are available today.
DL: As a US-citizen/ as a person? who wants to work, yea, I of course, I'm (mad?)! I'm damn mad that somebody is going to try that (in ?) answers more jobs and take more positions from this country. We are own problems.
N: DL is not alone as markets continue the tumble and (a job out look gets it's worse?), more people appointing the finger at outsourcing (a riv…?) became a popular battle-cry in the sus-campaign.
Sen. Hillary Clinton (SHC): Fifty seven billion — that's what George Bush and republicans (give it away?) … in the oil company(ies?) is a new tax brakes. And to the outsourcers in … sands for shipping our jobs over seas.
Ben Trowbridge (BT): No one (find to be easy?). I've mean: I don't after all (they/their here is?).
N: BT is CEO of Alsbridge Inc. and outsourcing (consol?) based in Dallas. His company advises to others on how to move jobs over seas to save money. Lots of money.

Продолжение тут, чтоб никому кайф не ломать smile

BT: Say me international (carrier?) breathtaking. In that … didn't have those step changes in their savings. They couldn't (invest nor for thanks?) or the thanks a (grade of?) products (in so voted?). That be … ed.
N: Trowbridge is understand why some people attack his industry but maintains moving job over seas, helps the american economy and alone companies to stay competitive.
BT: It's a tough market but I don't pick cause the (probe?) I think it actually … business is in changing.
N: And while big business is (strongering?) outsourcing companies are doing big business.
BT: We (troop up the …???) would to be plane (troop?) again next year.
Dr. Helen Harkness (DHH): I've been involved in every up and down we've had. Every recession. This one is (no..bly?) saviour.
N: DHH is carrier counselor who helps other work professoinals (find it/finding?) jobs, whos list of clients right now is long. But many of them had been aren't work so long, (they can't longer pay?). Harkness says because of outsourcing american workers must become more agressive and creative.
DHH: We're hardy people, we're strong people. We've built a country! Common! But if we carry al of this expectations — we would to fear ourselves. (At/What?) tell my clients: if you could be done an aged — you better (leave it/leaved/lived/live it?) along. If you could be done by automation — you better (leave it/leaved/lived/live it?) along.
N:… say the US goverment announced that number of people seeking (unemploymentated?) has reach the highest level in twenty five years that couple with the group in outsourcing will keep (this to better?) life.
Reach Matthews, The Associated Press, Fort Worth, Texas.

updated at ~21.00GMT 20091116. he-he smile

Тем более, что уже зачтено smile
Stampede, 16.11.2019 в 10:56
/ 3196

Так, начало положено, очень хорошо. У Sealerinka на сто процентов правильный транскрипт, у Codetyper есть пропуски и неверные прочтения, зато объемом поболее. Обоим зачет.

Locus, 16.11.2019 в 13:46
/ 562

…And it even became a popular battle cry in this year's campaign.

Senator Hillary Clinton —
57 billion. That's what George Bush and the republicans have given away to the oil companies in new tax breaks. And to the outsourcers (?) for shipping our jobs oversreas.

Ben Trowbridge —
Noone finds it easy. I mean, I don't, after all these years.

Rich Matthews —
Ben Trowbridge is CEO of Alsbridge Inc., an outsourcing consultant based in Dallas. His company advices others on how to move jobs overseas to save money. Lots of money.

Ben Trowbridge —
…that savings are actually kind of breath-taking. And if they didn't have those step changing in their savings, they couldn't invest in other things — R&D;, things they go to product (?) they would be sort of ossified.

Rich Matthews —
Trowbridge understands why some people attack his industry but maintains moving jobs overseas, helps the American economy, and allow some companies to stay competitive.

Ben Trowbridge —
It's a tough market, but I don't think outsourcing causes the problem, I think it actually aids businesses in changing.

Rich Matthews —
And while big businesses struggling, outsourcing companies are doing big business.

Ben Trowbridge —
We triple this year, we're too (?) planning to triple again next year.

Nelli, 16.11.2019 в 13:47

У меня после задания почему-то нет ссылки "послать ответ". Вот мой перевод:
Many Indian engineers and programmers moved in their time over ocean and got settled with comfort in Silicon Valley. However more and more Indians, who were naturalized and successful in the USA, come back to native country last time. They settled more often in Bangalor, in the South of India. It is an informal capital of information technologies. Even some “Electron City” was built there. It is the block surrounded with fence from glass. There are perfect trimmed lawns, tennis courts and coffee-houses there. And there are not high – 4-5 stocks— offices of Indian and foreign firms.
Сейчас посмотрю ответы других.

HappyMom, 16.11.2019 в 14:32
/ 24

Oй а я только сейчас поняла что продолжать транскрипцию нужно с того места где последний участник остановился…( сорри Или нет?

Stampede, 16.11.2019 в 15:02
/ 3196

Да-да, HappyMom, именно так, с места последней остановки smile Бывают, конечно, накладки, поскольку люди заранее не договариваются, но это ничего страшного.

Stampede, 17.11.2019 в 01:15
/ 3196

> У меня после задания почему-то нет ссылки "послать ответ"

Nelli, вам надо войти в систему по ссылке "Вход" в правой верхней части страницы.

Stampede, 17.11.2019 в 01:40
/ 3196

Так, Codetyper получает поощрительный приз: факультативом делаем первый из перечисленных роликов — там интересный поворот сюжета, и чудила такой отвратный (пожалуйста, Codetyper, уберите лишние ролики из поста, или лучше оформите их просто в виде ссылок).

Но сначала надо добить основной ролик. Поправки будут потом сразу кучей.

Update: Отличное оформление, Codetyper!

Dmitry K, 17.11.2019 в 02:21
/ 246

Helen Harkness:
I have been involving every up and down we had, every recession. This one is nervously (…?).

Rich Matthews:

Doctor Helen Harkness is a career counselor who helps out-of-work professionals find jobs. Her list of clients right now is long, but many of them have been out of work so long they can no longer pay. Harkness says, because of outsourcing American workers must become more aggressive and creative.

Helen Harkness:
We hardly people, we strong people, we built a country! Common! But if we carry all of these expectations, we would defeat ourselves. (Untill my …?) If it could be done an Asia you better leave it alone. If it could be done by (automation?) you better leave it alone.

Rich Matthews:
(I’m very sad/On …?) the US government announced the number of people seeking an employment (…?) has reached his highest level in twenty five years. That couple with a (group?) in outsourcing will keep this (…?) alive. Rich Matthews, the Associated Press, Forth Worth, Texas.

Stampede, 17.11.2019 в 12:08
/ 3196

Все, усилиями Dmitry K основной ролик закончен (поправки будут чуть позже). Пожалуйста, приступаем к транскрибированию факультативного.

Dmitry K, 17.11.2019 в 12:49
/ 246

Brandon Ahnstrong:

A new report from the department of labor finds increasing number of American workers are outsourcing their jobs. For more in this (…?) let’s go to Joshua Russell in the money room.

Joshua Russell:

Thanks Brandon. For years corporation has been outsourcing their labor to (…?) or cut cost. But recently many individual employers is have been (send/sending?) their own work overseas.

Donald Felton:

I take the money than I (…?) on spent on coffee and pay someone in India to do my job for me. (So let?) me to unleash my full potential.

Joshua Russell:

Philadelphia accountant Donald Felton outsources the majority of his (dally?) work load to Jahanara Kashem, accountant based in Bangalore, India.

Donald Felton:

I give my (…?) from a superviser and send it of to Jahanara. Sometimes (I’ll looked it?), what is done? But usually everything is right.

Joshua Russell:

Mr. Kashem says he’s extremely happy with the sixty eight cents per hour Donald pays him.

HappyMom, 18.11.2019 в 12:29
/ 24

Mr Kashem: -I am able to feed my family and Mr. Felton can devote more time to his fantasy football team.
Joshua Russel: — And Donald is just one of the close to 700000 workers who have come to rely on overseas labor.
Donald: — I am about to getting two raises since Jahanara started, he is really good at doing my work.
Joshua Russel: — And it is not just lower level employees who have embraced the trend. At Donald's firm, many senior level managers are now outsoursing their jobs as well. Workers representing the companies executive officers, meet via conference calls every Friday. Some outsource workers have done so well they have been able to outsource their own outsourced work to those even poorer then themselves.

Stampede, 19.11.2019 в 02:33
/ 3196

Поправки к транскрипту первого ролика: у Sealerinka, как я уже говорил, все правильно (только фамилия у мужика Leonnig). У Locus'а:

And to the outsourcers an incentives for shipping our jobs overseas (правда, непонятно, почему неопределенный артикль ко множественному числу).

No one finds it easy.

His company advises others

The savings are actually kind of breath-taking, and if they didn't have those step changes in their savings, they couldn't invest in other things: R&D;, things to grow their products and support it, they'd be sort of ossified.

and allows some companies

We tripled this year, and we're too planning to triple again next year.

iamme, 19.11.2019 в 09:09


Sealerinka, 21.11.2019 в 09:11
/ 589

а будут поправки к окончанию первого ролика?
Я кое-где не уверена, правильно ли расслышала.

Helen Harkness:
I have been involved in every up and down we've had, every recession. This one is noticevly(?) severe.

Rich Matthews:Doctor Helen Harkness is a career counselor who helps out-of-work professionals find jobs. Her list of clients right now is long, but many of them have been out of work so long they can no longer pay. Harkness says, because of outsourcing American workers must become more aggressive and creative.

Helen Harkness:
We're hardy people, we're strong people, we've built a country, come on! But if we carry all of these expectations, we will defeat ourselves. I tell my clients, "If it could be done in Asia you better leave it alone, if it could be done by automation you better leave it alone."

Rich Matthews:
On Thursday the US goverment announced the number of people seeking unemployment aid(?) has reached its highest level in 25 years. That couple with a growth(?) in outsourcing will keep this debate to life. Rich Matthews, the Assosiated Press, Forth Worth, Texas.

Locus, 21.11.2019 в 12:30
/ 562

Sealerinka, noticeably. Остальные два места вроде в точку.

Nata777, 21.11.2019 в 13:13
/ 121

Так или иначе «money talks». В случае географического аутсорсинга то, это давно понятная тенденция. Зачастую доход работника, а точнее сумма дохода, — это основополагающий критерий для собственников бизнеса…

Shumi, 23.11.2019 в 04:43
/ 127

Оказывается и со вторым роликом уже расправились! А я и не сразу заметила, протранскрибировала начало, потом расстроилась, что и это уже сделано до меня smile
However, пока уважаемый Stampede не расставил все точки над i, может ведь и моя версия иметь право на существование?

B.A.: — A new report from the department of labor finds an increasing number of American workers are outsourcing their jobs. For more in this crucial issue let’s go to Joshua Russell in money room.
J.R.: — Thanks, Brandon. For years corporations have been outsourcing a labor to developing nations as a way to cut costs. But recently many individual employees have been sending their own work overseas.
D.F.: — I take the money that I’ve got (?) and spend on coffee and pay someone in India to do my job for me, so it allowed me to unleash my full potential.
J.R.: Philadelphia account Donald Felton outsources the majority of his daily workload to Jahanora Cashim, an accountant based in Bangalore, India.
D.F.: — I give my sign (?) from my supervisor and I send it off to Jahanora. Sometimes I look at it when it’s done, but usually everything is right.
J.R.: Mr. Cashim says he is extremely happy with sixty-eight cents in hour Donald pays him.

Большой respect to HappyMom. Я из индусской болтовни поняла только football team.

Stampede, 24.11.2019 в 02:28
/ 3196

Так, заканчивая транскрибирование первого ролика: поправки к #18 Dmitry K.

Helen Harkness:
I have been involved in every up and down we've had, every recession. This one is noticeably severe.

Rich Matthews:
Doctor Helen Harkness is a career counselor who helps out-of-work professionals find jobs. Her list of clients right now is long, but many of them have been out of work so long they can no longer pay. Harkness says, because of outsourcing American workers must become more aggressive and creative.

Helen Harkness:
We're hardy people, we're strong people, we built a country — come on! But if we carry all of these expectations, we will defeat ourselves. I tell my clients, if it can be done in Asia, you better leave it alone. If it can be done by automation, you better leave it alone.

Rich Matthews:
On Thursday, the US government announced the number of people seeking unemployment aid has reached its highest level in 25 years. That coupled with a growth in outsourcing will keep this debate alive.

Rich Matthews, the Associated Press, Fort Worth, Texas.

Во втором, факультативном ролике, остался маленький кусочек с отметки 1:40. Как закончим, выложу все поправки, и приступим к разбору полетов.

Sealerinka, 25.11.2019 в 01:20
/ 589

Some outsource workers have done so well they have been able to outsource their own outsourced work to those even poorer then themselves.

Ranuga Pandit:
I pay a starving man in Jakarta one handful of rice per day to fill out the expense reports that are sent to me from the US.

Joshua Rassel:
Analysts predict that if the train continues, by 2025 the world's poorest man Ahmed Khalili of Afghanistan will be doing 83% of the globe's work. It is a scenario that would suit Donald Felton just fine.

Donald Felton: I'm trying to get to your point where I can just lay on one place and not have to do anything ever.

Joshua Rassel: (?) the Onion News Network, I'm Joshua Rassel.

Brando Armstrong: Thanks, Joshua. Flow(?)s of outsourcing is expected to grow as much as 20% over the next five years, according to the Philippine team that completed the department of labours report. Coming up next: a new study finds the mass epidemic is hitting worst(?) Americans hardest.

Stampede, 26.11.2019 в 00:31
/ 3196

Ну вот и закончили аудирование, отлично. Обещанные поправки:

Dmitry K:

Brandon Armstrong:
A new report from the department of labor finds an increasing number of American workers are outsourcing their jobs. For more on this crucial issue, let's go to Joshua Russell in the Money Room.

Joshua Russell:
Thanks Brandon. For years corporation have been outsourcing their labor to developing nations as a way to cut cost. But recently, many individual employees have been sending their own work overseas.

Donald Felton:
I take the money than I would have spent on coffee and pay someone in India to do my job for me. It's allowed me to unleash my full potential.

Joshua Russell:
Philadelphia accountant Donald Felton outsources the majority of his daily workload to Jahanara Kashem, an accountant based in Bangalore, India.

Donald Felton:
I give my assignment from my supervisor and send it off to Jahanara. Sometimes I’ll look at it when it's done, but usually everything is right.

Joshua Russell:
Mr. Kashem says he’s extremely happy with the sixty eight cents an hour Donald pays him.


Mr Kashem: -I am able to feed my family and Mr. Felton can devote more time to his fantasy football team.

Joshua Russel: — And Donald is just one of the close to 700000 workers who have come to rely on overseas labor.

Donald: — I have actually gotten two raises since Jahanara started, he is really good at doing my work.

Joshua Russel: — But it is not just lower level employees who have embraced the trend. At Donald's firm, many senior level managers are now outsoursing their jobs as well. Workers representing the companies executive officers, meet via conference call every Friday.

Some outsource workers have done so well they have been able to outsource their own outsourced work to those even poorer then themselves.


Ranuga Pandit:
I pay a starving man in Jakarta one handful of rice per day to fill out the expense reports that are sent to me form the US.

Joshua Russell:
Analysts predict that if the trend continues, by 20025 the world's poorest man Ahmed Khalili of Afghanistan will be doing 83 % of the globe's work. It's a scenario that would suit Donald Felton just fine.

Donald Felton:
I'm trying to get to a point where I can just lay in one place and not have to do anything ever.

Joshua Russell:
With the Onion News Network, I'm Joshua Russell.

Brandon Armstrong:
Thanks, Joshua. Personal outsourcing is expected to grow as much as 20% over the next five years according to the Filipino team that completed the Department of Labor's report.

Coming up next: a new study finds the meth epidemic is hitting worthless Americans hardest.

Stampede, 26.11.2019 в 01:17
/ 3196

> Coming up next: a new study finds the meth epidemic is hitting
> worthless Americans hardest.

В тему топика: кто бы сомневался. Перефразируя Джона Актона: халява развращает, а абсолютная халява развращает абсолютно. Если этого долбонафта из ролика срочно не нагрузить тяжелой физической работой, в отсутствие культурного базиса и прочных нравственных устоев, лишенный стимула изо дня в день впахивать на благо общества, и имея при этом легкий доступ к дешевым заменителям щястья, этот кекс очень скоро деградирует до состояния полной свинячей радости. Собственно, судя по его физиономии в кадре, он уже на полпути к этому.

Stampede, 29.11.2019 в 23:31
/ 3196
Codetyper, 30.11.2019 в 07:13
/ 678

Спасибо smile

remike, 30.11.2019 в 09:40
/ 265

Из школьного курса я твердо запомнил порядок «подлежащее-сказуемое». Позже, в литературных текстах я иногда встречал замену типа «he said— said he». Но вот выражение «… has even been built electronic town» в работе Codetyper ставит меня в тупик. Объясните, может electronic town не подлежащее? Тогда где оно?

Stampede, 30.11.2019 в 10:03
/ 3196

Действительно, замечание по делу, remike. Приду домой — дополню разбор.

Update: готово.

Codetyper, 13.02.2020 в 06:48
/ 678

А никто ничего интересного в факультативном ролике не заметил? В частности, на фото, "любезно представленным" Дональдом Фелтоном, на котором представлен работяга — Джаханара Кашем? (00:41)

Stampede, 13.02.2020 в 10:36
/ 3196

Codetyper, заинтриговали smile

Codetyper, 13.02.2020 в 15:38
/ 678

Да чудится (а может и не чудится) мне там какой-то фотопоп. Чашка черная как-то неестественно в воздухе зависла. Тень на клавиатуре есть а от чего? Если от чашки, то на чем чашка держится? Может кого вырезали между Джаханарой и следующим мужиком…
А может товарищ Кашем работает в этой обстановке только для душки-Дональда (монтаж), а на самом деле — как тот мужик в заголовке задания smile

Codetyper, 15.02.2020 в 04:02
/ 678

А вот — может кому пригодятся — материалы по этому заданию все в одном месте. Остались после выполнения.

1. Основной ролик:

звуковая дорожка


Dave Leonnig (DL):
I never thought that I would ever with my skills not be able to find a job.

Dave Leonnig is looking for work every single day. He's been laid off from his last several jobs in the tech industry and blames outsourcing for the lack of jobs available today.

As a United States citizen and the person who wants to work… yeah, of course I'm mad. I'm damn mad, that…that… that somebody's gonna try to… you know, outsource more jobs and take more positions from this country, we have our own problems.

And Leonnig is not alone. As markets continue to tumble and the job outlook gets worse, more people are pointing a finger at outsourcing. And it even became a popular battle cry in this year's campaign.

Senator Hillary Clinton:
Fifty seven billion. That's what George Bush and the republicans have given away to the oil companies in new tax breaks. And to the outsourcers an incentives for shipping our jobs overseas.

Ben Trowbridge (BT):
No one finds it easy. I mean, I don't, after all these years.

Ben Trowbridge is CEO of Alsbridge Inc., an outsourcing consultant based in Dallas. His company advises others on how to move jobs overseas to save money. Lots of money.

The savings are actually kind of breath-taking, and if they didn't have those step changes in their savings, they couldn't invest in other things: R&D;, things to grow their products and support it, they'd be sort of ossified.

Trowbridge understands why some people attack his industry but maintains moving jobs overseas, helps the American economy, and allows some companies to stay competitive.

It's a tough market, but I don't think outsourcing causes the problem, I think it actually aids businesses in changing.

And while big businesses struggling, outsourcing companies are doing big business.

We tripled this year, and we're too planning to triple again next year.

Helen Harkness (HH):
I have been involved in every up and down we've had, every recession. This one is noticeably severe.

Doctor Helen Harkness is a career counselor who helps out-of-work professionals find jobs. Her list of clients right now is long, but many of them have been out of work so long they can no longer pay. Harkness says, because of outsourcing American workers must become more aggressive and creative.

We're hardy people, we're strong people, we built a country — come on! But if we carry all of these expectations, we will defeat ourselves. I tell my clients, if it can be done in Asia, you better leave it alone. If it can be done by automation, you better leave it alone.

On Thursday, the US government announced the number of people seeking unemployment aid has reached its highest level in 25 years. That coupled with a growth in outsourcing will keep this debate alive.

Rich Matthews, the Associated Press, Fort Worth, Texas.


2. Факультативный ролик:

звуковая дорожка


Brandon Armstrong (BA):
A new report from the Department of Labor finds an increasing number of American workers are outsourcing their jobs. For more on this crucial issue, let's go to Joshua Russell in the Money Room.

Joshua Russell (JR):
Thanks Brandon. For years, corporations have been outsourcing their labor to developing nations as a way to cut costs. But recently, many individual employees have been sending their own work overseas.

Donald Felton (DF):
I take the money than I would have spent on coffee and pay someone in India to do my job for me. It's allowed me to unleash my full potential.

Philadelphia accountant, Donald Felton, outsources the majority of his daily workload to Jahanara Kashem, an accountant based in Bangalore, India.

I give my assignments from my supervision and send it off to Jahanara. Sometimes I’ll look at it when it's done, but usually everything is right.

Mr. Kashem says he’s extremely happy with the sixty eight cents an hour Donald pays him.

Jahanara Kashem: -I am able to feed my family and Mr. Felton can devote more time to his fantasy football team.

— And Donald is just one of the close to 700000 workers who have come to rely on overseas labor.

— I have actually gotten two raises since Jahanara started. He is really good at doing my work.

— But it is not just lower level employees who have embraced the trend. At Donald's firm, many senior level managers are now outsourcing their jobs as well. Workers representing the companies’ executive officers meet via conference call every Friday.
(arguing in background, between Americans and their outsourced workers in India)
Some outsource workers have done so well they have been able to outsource their own outsourced work to those even poorer then themselves.

Ranuga Pandit:
I pay a starving man in Jakarta one handful of rice per day to fill out the expense reports that are sent to me form the US.

Analysts predict that if the trend continues, by 2025 the world's poorest man Ahmed Khalili of Afghanistan will be doing 83 % of the globe's work. It's a scenario that would suit Donald Felton just fine.

I'm trying to get to a point where I can just lay in one place and not have to do anything ever.

With the Onion News Network, I'm Joshua Russell.

Thanks, Joshua. Personal outsourcing is expected to grow as much as 20% over the next five years according to the Filipino team that completed the Department of Labor's report.
Coming up next: a new study finds the meth epidemic is hitting worthless Americans hardest.


Зачем нужен звук? Для плеера. У меня пока транскрибирование идет далеко не с первого захода. Так вот хожу-кручу по кругу… На N-ном круге ухо начинает слышать некоторые непонятные места.
Если будут пожелания, могу включить сюда еще и ссылки для владельцев mp4-проигрывателей и мощных телефонов.
NikUa, 25.11.2020 в 23:06
/ 250

Dave Leonnig: I never thought that I would ever with my skills not be able to find a job.

Dave Leonnig is looking for work every single day. He's been laid off from his last several jobs in the tech industry and blames outsourcing for the lack of jobs available today.
As a United States citizen and the person who wants to work.. yeah, of course I'm mad. I'm damn mad, that, that, that somebody's gonna try to.. you know, outsource more jobs and take more positions from this country, we have our own problems.
And Leonnig is not alone. As markets continue to tumble and the job outlook gets worse, more people are pointing a finger at outsourcing. And it even became a popular battle cry in this year's campaign.

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