Ответы к заданию: Признание в любви

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If you can promise me anything, promise me that whenever you're sad or unsure or you lose complete faith that you'll try and see yourself through my eyes. Thank you for the honor of being my wife. I'm a man with no regrets. How lucky am I? You made my life, Holly, but I'm just one chapter in yours. There'll be more. I promise.

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Персонаж другого замечательного фильма «P.S. — I love you» оставил своей жене 14 признаний в любви, которые она находила в течение нескольких месяцев после его скоропостижной кончины. Конечно, эти признания не совершили чуда — любящие сердца не пришли к хеппи-энду вместе, но месседжи по ту сторону жизни и смерти помогли отчаявшейся вдове, которая сначала не могла представить свою жизнь без любимого.

Источник: Womenclub.ru

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Ответы 1-10 из 134
Ksenya.S, 14.02.2021 в 01:00
/ 179

Ответ к заданию: Признание в любви


The personage of another remarkable film «PS — I love you »left his wife of 14 declarations of love, which she found in a few months after his sudden death. Of course, these confessions did not commit a miracle — a loving heart did not come to a happy end together, but the message of the other side of life and death helped desperate widow, who at first could not imagine her own life without her beloved.

Shumi, 14.02.2021 в 02:59
/ 127

Ответ к заданию: Признание в любви

A personage of another great film “P.S. – I love you” left to his wife 14 declarations of love, that she had being founding during some month after he died suddenly. Of course, those declarations did not perform a miracle and did not led loved hearts to the happy end together, but those massages from beyond the side of life and death helped desperated widow who could not imagine her life without her beloved at first.

Katelin, 14.02.2021 в 04:36
/ 5

Ответ к заданию: Признание в любви

The personage of another remarkable movie "P.S. — I love you" had left for his wife 14 declarations of love, which she was founding during several months after his sudden death. These declarations didn't perform a miracle of course — loving hearts didn't come to happy-end together, but messages beyond life and death helped despondent widow, who couldn't initially imagine her life without beloved.

SimpleS, 14.02.2021 в 07:16
/ 756

Ответ к заданию: Признание в любви

The personage of another wonderful movie «P.S. — I love you» left fourteen declarations of love to his wife, that she was finding during the last few months after his sudden death. Certainly, these declarations didn't perform miracles, the union of hearts didn't come to a happy end together, but messages beyond of life and death helped the despaired widow, at first who couldn't imagine her life without darling.

Katasha, 14.02.2021 в 07:26
/ 576

Ответ к заданию: Признание в любви

One character from another remarkable movie «P.S. — I love you» had left for his wife 14 declarations of his love that she found within a few months after his sudden death. Certainly, these messages did not make a miracle — these people’s hearts could not beat together anymore for one life and one dream, but it helped the broken-hearted widow continue to live without her darling.

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Madera, 14.02.2021 в 07:45
/ 10

Ответ к заданию: Признание в любви

The personage of other wonderful film "P.S. — I love you" has left his wife 14 declarations of love, which she was finding duringsome months after his died. Of course, this declarations hadn't committed miracle — lovong hearts haven't reached to happy-end together, but messages on the other side of life and death helped widow, who couldn't imagine her live without beloved.

Catzen, 14.02.2021 в 09:45
/ 342

Ответ к заданию: Признание в любви

The character of another remarcable film «P.S. — I love you» had left his wife 14 declarations of love, which she was founding during a few months since his sudden death. Surely, that declarations didn't work miracles — the loving hearts didn't come to a happy-end, but the messages from the other side of the life and the death helped widow, who had given way to despair, and at first could not imagine her life without her sweetheart.

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Хайро, 14.02.2021 в 11:40
/ 101

Ответ к заданию: Признание в любви

Character of another remarkable film «PS — I love you »left his wife of 14 declarations of love, which she found in a few months after his sudden death. Of course, these confessions did not commit a miracle — a loving heart did not come to a happy endu together, but the message of the other side of life and death helped desperate widow, who at first could not imagine my life without her beloved.

krokozyabra, 14.02.2021 в 12:54
/ 5

Ответ к заданию: Признание в любви

A character of another wonderful movie «P.S. — I love you» had left for his wife 14 of love declaration which she had been finding during a few month after his death. Certainly the declarations didn`t perform a miracle and loving hearts didn`t come to "happy end" together. But the messages from the dead outside help to the despair widow who couldn`t imagine her life without beloved person.

Андрей Ткаченко, 15.02.2021 в 11:34
/ 29

Ответ к заданию: Признание в любви

A character of another remarkable movie «P.S. — I love you» left fourteen declarations of love for his wife and after his unexpected death she was finding them during some months. Certainly, those declarations didn’t work miracle and the loving hearts didn’t come to a happy end together, but the messages from behind the edge of life and death helped the desperate widow, who at first had not been able to imagine her own life without her beloved.

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