Профиль участника: Nataglia

Звание: Что означает звание


Дата регистрации: 24.11.2019

Последнее посещение: 16.12.2015

Место жительства: г. Реутов Московской обл.


Уровень английского:



Показатели активности: Что такое индекс активности

Всего сообщений: 9 9
Всего ответов: 7 35
Всего баллов: 44

Последние сообщения:

Nataglia, 20.02.2021 в 11:17
/ 44

Ответ к заданию: Признание в любви

A character of another remarkable movie “P.S. – I love you” left for his wife fourteen declarations of love which she was founding during several months after his sudden death. Of course, these declarations didn’t work a miracle – the lovers didn’t come to the happy end together, but messages from the other side of life and death helped the desperate widow who at first couldn’t imagine her life without the beloved.

Nataglia, 25.10.2020 в 08:29
/ 44

Re: Искусство отговорки

Hi, Alex, this is Natalie speaking. I am very sorry but unfortunately I won't be able to be at your birthday party. Yesterday I got ill and now I feel unwell so I will be a bad companion and I don't want to infect you. Please, don't be offended. I hope we will have other chances to meet.

Hi, Alex, this is Natalie speaking. I am very sorry but unfortunately I won't be able to be at your birthday party. I have just told with your secretary and got to know that I will have to work tomorrow because your colleague will be absent from work for some time and I must substitute him. Please, don't be offended. I hope we will have other chances to meet.

Nataglia, 13.10.2020 в 10:45
/ 44

Re: Наши домашние питомцы

Oh, what a nice dog! Is it he or she? What is her breed? Is she old? I have heard that dogs of this breed are very friendly but can act as good guards. I think she likes walking and playing, doesn't she? I wish you and your charming dog a good walk and many tasty bones.

Nataglia, 30.09.2020 в 06:26
/ 44

Ответ к заданию: Маугли под заботливой опекой

1. the Hunting Call
2. wild bees
3. охотиться ради забавы
4. Baloo was teaching Mowgli the Law of the Jungle.
5. being disturbed, was taught, be repeated, is answered

Nataglia, 30.09.2020 в 06:24
/ 44

Ответ к заданию: Дары волхвов — Часть 2

1. Christmas
2. a comb
3. a gift, a present
4. At the time of the story Jim was only twenty two years old.
5. The combs were made of tortoise shell with jewelled rims.
6. I had my watch repaired.

Nataglia, 30.09.2020 в 06:23
/ 44

Ответ к заданию: Дары волхвов — Часть 1

1. мясник, бакалейщик
2. Della's hair
3. Jim's gold watch
4. To buy Jim a present Della had saved one dollar and eighty-seven cents.
5. Della got for her hair twenty dollars.
6. to be (made), turn

Nataglia, 29.09.2020 в 02:52
/ 44

Re: Поход в ресторан

А что могут ответить на вопрос по поводу дресс-кода?

Nataglia, 28.09.2020 в 08:19
/ 44

Re: Поход в ресторан

— I would like to book a table in your restaurant for four persons on Saturday at 7 o'clock if possible.
— Wait a minute, please, I'll check… I am sorry, but I can propose you a table only at 8 o'clock.
— Let it be so, it do for us. Could you tell me where your parking lot is?
— It is near the restaurant on … street. If you come from … street just go by the restaurant and take the first right turn.
— Thank you. And I would like to know if there is any dress code in your restaurant?

Nataglia, 21.09.2020 в 05:23
/ 44

Re: Как пройти к Большому театру

Turning your back to St. Basil's Cathedral go along the State Department Store, pass between Kazan Cathedral and the Historical Museum, passing through the gate immediatly turn to the right. Then go by the monument of Zhukov, then — by the hotel 'Moscow' leaving it on the left. Then come into the Revolution Square, turn to the left — from this point you will be able to see in the distance the Big Theatre. Then go by the fountain to the monument of Marks, cross the street with the subway — and you are at the goal.

Nataglia, 14.09.2020 в 05:03
/ 44

Re: Возврат и обмен товаров

Good morning! Yesterday I bought jeans in your shop. But on coming home I found that they were too big for me. I would like to change them for other in a smaller size or take my money back.

Хочется сразу задать вопрос. Фразу 'in a smaller size' я подсмотрела в словаре. Насколько я понимаю, она означат "меньшего размера". А можно ли как-нибудь сказать "на два размера меньше"? Например, 'two sizes smaller'? Или они так не говорят?

Все сообщения участника Nataglia

Свежие комментарии:

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Re: Упражнения к уроку 2

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