Профиль участника: Nulab

Звание: Что означает звание


Дата регистрации: 19.09.2019

Последнее посещение: 04.05.2021

Место жительства: Kyiv, Ukraine

Возраст: 33

Уровень английского: begginer



Показатели активности: Что такое индекс активности

Всего сообщений: 12 12
Всего ответов: 44 220
Ответов с отличием: 3 30
Звуковых: 39 195
Работ над ошибками: 3 15
Транскрибирование: 2 20
Всего баллов: 492

Последние сообщения:

Nulab, 20.03.2021 в 13:42
/ 492

Ответ к заданию: Голубой карбункул — Часть 2

1. Объявление.
2. Thief.
3. Вы немного скучали, вам немного надоело.
4. The Cosmopolitan Hotel.
5. …going to give…, …going to read…, …going to look…, …going to see…

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Nulab, 06.03.2021 в 11:15
/ 492

Ответ к заданию: Голубой карбункул — Часть 1

1. Рождество.
2. Hat.
3. Она не отличалась от любой другой шляпы.
4. Magnifying glass.
5. Holmes's sitting room, man's hat, doorman's coat and hat, goose's leg.

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Nulab, 21.02.2021 в 13:16
/ 492

Re: Re: Признание в любви

1. …, a personage left… — …, a character had left…;
2. …through some months after his unexpected death. — …during a few months after his sudden death;
3. …. But the messages from another side of life helped the despondent widow, who … — …, but the messages from other side of life and death helped the desperate widow, who at first….

In another wonderful movie “P.S. – I love you,” a character had left fourteen declarations of love for his wife. She was finding them during a few months after his sudden death. Certainly, these declarations did not make a miracle and the loving hearts did not come to a happy-end together, but the messages from other side of life and death helped the desperate widow, who at first could not imagine the life without her beloved.

Nulab, 18.02.2021 в 12:35
/ 492

Ответ к заданию: Признание в любви

In another wonderful movie “P.S. – I love you,” a personage left fourteen declarations of love for his wife. She was finding them through some months after his unexpected death. Certainly, these declarations did not make a miracle and the loving hearts did not come to a happy-end together. But the messages from another side of life helped the despondent widow, who could not imagine the life without her beloved.

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Nulab, 27.09.2020 в 13:01
/ 492

Re: Поход в ресторан

Hello! I’m Mr. Johnson. My friends and I are going to visit your restaurant on Saturday, about seven o’clock in the evening. So, I would like to order a table for four persons. Well, can you answer two questions, please? The first, where is the restaurant's parking? And, are there any requirements for clothing in your restaurant?

Nulab, 14.09.2020 в 14:02
/ 492

Re: Возврат и обмен товаров

Hello! Can you help me, please? Yesterday, I bought jeans, and here is the check. Unfortunately, the jeans are a little bigger than I need. Do you have a pair of jeans in a smaller size? If not, I would like you to pay me back my money.

Nulab, 09.09.2020 в 12:35
/ 492

Re: Пропуск занятий по уважительной причине

Good morning! I am Mr.Ivanov. My son is Vasya Ivanov. He is in the fifth grade. I want to inform you that he has to visit a dentist at 10 a.m. And I think he will be at school about noon. Thank you! Good bye!

Nulab, 02.06.2020 в 04:35
/ 492

Ответ к заданию: Благородный Робин Гуд

1. wedding
2. разбойник, преступник
3. Он всегда был добр к беднякам.
4. seven years
5. him (objective), he (nominative), his (possessive)

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Nulab, 01.05.2020 в 07:06
/ 492

Re: Английские числительные в примерах: Время суток

4:20 – 6:04
Now to clock with a little more like this. Actually, it will be like this, right, sort of… Am…, you would say “it’s five forty five”, that’s the first, there’s the most simple way, or you would say “it’s a quarter to”, and you would say the next hour. So, in this case it would be, already over here, “a quarter to” and the hour is coming up this, “six o’clock”. So, you would say “five forty five” or “a quarter to six”. Ok, so those are two different ways to express time. The first way, the simplest way is to say the hour what it is and how many minutes past the hour. Let’s just to one more example. So we are doing five o’clock, let’s to one o’clock. So, we would say “it is one thirty five”. So first, we say the hour “one, it’s one”, and then we express how many minutes past the hour, “thirty five”. “It’s one thirty five”.

Nulab, 27.04.2020 в 04:06
/ 492

Ответ к заданию: В ожидании дня рождения

1. birthday
2. invitation
3. покрывать глазурью торт (украшать торт)
4. armfuls of leaves, cones and acorns
5. Past Perfect (Passive)

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Все сообщения участника Nulab

Свежие комментарии:

Re: Благородный Робин Гуд

Ильгизар: Сначала задание показалось оочень сложным, половину текста на слух не воспринял, очень много незнакомых…

Re: Упражнения к уроку 2

Ильгизар: гм...никогда не вникал в транскрипцию и считал что с произношением всё в порядке, ан оказывается нэт

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Re: Проблемы перевода на Русский язык

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