Профиль участника: Timophey

Звание: Что означает звание




Дата регистрации: 02.10.2020

Последнее посещение: 09.01.2021

Место жительства: Петрозаводск, Россия

Возраст: 23

Уровень английского: Beginner



Показатели активности: Что такое индекс активности

Всего сообщений: 8 8
Всего ответов: 26 130
Звуковых: 24 120
Транскрибирование: 1 10
Всего баллов: 268

Последние сообщения:

Timophey, 16.11.2020 в 03:36
/ 268

Ответ к заданию: Наперекор злой судьбе

And certainly, children absolutely differently feel, life`s quality of them sharply increases: they become enough active, they independently moves, what somebody of them cannot do many years, and somebody cannot do generally never… Of course, transaction to walking on two limbs – for such children the stage very difficult, demanding of gradualness: them need get accustomed to vertical position, “orientated in space” .

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Timophey, 15.11.2020 в 12:34
/ 268

Re: Наперекор злой судьбе

Вот то, что я нацарапал.

Thank you very much. Nice to see you. My name is Nike Vujicic and (need?) so pleasure (to be?) with you. I have no limbs, but I have a little chicken drumstick. And I… So it`s like… You like that? You`ll really good … (что-то на f — так и не разобрал) get this? And yes … I go like … One, two. three, four… Hey, guys, you like that? Like, girl? The (uniform?). But only say I long away you my foot dawn like this, ready? So what are you doing if you fall down? Get back up everybody (noses?) or get back up because I`ve (start?) walking. Not me again anybody. … sometimes in life, when you fall … and then you fell like you do not the strength to get back out. Do you think you have hope. Because I tell you, I`m down here. Face down. And I`ve no once a leg and should be impossible for me get back out, but it`s not.

Далее идёт отрывок для заучивания. Я понимаю, что это с трудом можно назвать транскриптом, но я хоть что-то начал понимать, вот и решил выложить это…

Timophey, 15.11.2020 в 09:43
/ 268

Re: Наперекор злой судьбе

А кто-нибудь делал транскрипт видео? А то я сделал наикорявейшим образом и хотел бы сравнить…

Timophey, 14.11.2020 в 09:37
/ 268

Re: На страже отечества

Классный ролик. Николсон и Круз отлично играют. Одно удовольствие переводить и разбирать этот диалог.

Timophey, 14.11.2020 в 09:31
/ 268

Ответ к заданию: На страже отечества

For defense of citizen are law enforcement authorities. Citizen, who cannot to defend oneself, should immediately appeal in law enforcement authorities. Existing opinion, that it nothing give. As direct participant of all kinds of events, reporting: a result is depend on your personal resolution and persistence. In high quality of cases unpretentious paper from citizen can break a career to one and make to think many other

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Timophey, 10.11.2020 в 12:26
/ 268

Ответ к заданию: Лучшая работа в мире

I had idea, where I was going, because I got ready morally and physically. Wild nature – it`s environment, in which every participant played yours role. The secret of survival in wild nature is simple, how world: above all – not to break ecosystem harmony, try to be harmonious part of the world, in which you are. And, of course, not to relax and attentively follow for what is going on around.

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Timophey, 10.11.2020 в 11:03
/ 268

Re: Лучшая работа в мире

Всем привет. Может у меня, конечно, проблемы со слухом, но Internet в начале разобрать не могу даже спустя десять прослушиваний. Как-то невнятно…

Timophey, 07.11.2020 в 06:09
/ 268

Ответ к заданию: Кто виноват в безработице?

A lot of Indian engineers and programmers moved in their time beyond the ocean and comfortably settled in Silicon`s valley. However in last time ever more Indians, which naturalized in USA and prospered there, returns to motherland. Often they settle in Bangalore in south of country. In this unofficial capital of informational technologies even built “electronic city” – quarter, surrounding transparent fence, where in the middle ideally cut lawns, tennis courts and cafes, not high, in four-five floors, Indians or foreign offices stands.

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Timophey, 06.11.2020 в 05:33
/ 268

Ответ к заданию: Кризис простыми словами

Once grandma Clava decide, that her business need to increase and exclude from market her old enemy grandma Masha. For this grandma Clava began to sell moonshine her very staunch clients, unemployed drinkers in credit. Volume of sales flew up such rocket. Drinkers came in from throughout countryside. She even increased price on her slop. Of course then need to pay by sweat, where such happiness still found.

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Все сообщения участника Timophey

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