Профиль участника: Aza

Звание: Что означает звание


Дата регистрации: 13.02.2020

Последнее посещение: 09.08.2022

Место жительства: Moskow

Возраст: 33

Уровень английского: intermediate

Подпись: Seek opportunities, not reasons


Показатели активности: Что такое индекс активности

Всего сообщений: 20 20
Всего ответов: 21 105
Ответов с отличием: 12 120
Работ над ошибками: 1 5
Транскрибирование: 1 10
Всего баллов: 260

Последние сообщения:

Aza, 05.03.2021 в 03:57
/ 260

Ответ к заданию: Россия — чемпион!

Before the beginning of the series almost all Canadian newspapers wrote that the weakest spot in the Soviet team was goalkeeper Tretiak. They had strong reasons for that opinion. The fact was that the NHL observers had been to Moscow in August, and they had watched an unofficial match between USSR national team and SCKA Moscow.
‘That day I played worse than ever and missed an incredible number of goals, i.e. nine goals. I will say later why it happened so. Anyway, the Canadian experts wrote in their notepads:’ Tretiak seems to be too young to stand up against the NHL. He is hesitant in difficult situations. The goalkeeper is the most unreliable link in the Soviet team.’ Then these words appeared in all Canadian newspapers.’

Aza, 30.01.2021 в 04:29
/ 260

Re: Предсказываем погоду по суркам

'in the relationship' меняем на 'in relationships';

'And returning to' меняем на 'let us return to';

'in their chosen one' меняем на 'about their chosen ones';

'it is important that a man has a talent' меняем на 'it is important that the guy have a talent' or 'it is important for the guy to have a talent'
'A man' здесь заменила на 'the guy', так как второе ближе по смыслу.

Aza, 30.01.2021 в 03:40
/ 260

Ответ к заданию: Пираты XXI века

It is significant that the ransom for us was given not to the pirates, but to the elders of their clan, who, to my mind, not only divided it among their own gang, but also sent some money to overseas addresses. Most likely, the existence of their foreign patrons could explain why the pirates are so well technically equipped. Where else could African bandit get superhigh-speed boats and supermodern means of communication?

Aza, 17.01.2021 в 04:10
/ 260

Ответ к заданию: Предсказываем погоду по суркам

Correspondent: So, does it mean that other men have no chance to attract your attention?
Olga Prokofieva: Why no chance? God knows! But seriously, I like stability in the relationship. And returning to your previous question, I think, we can talk a lot about what kind of men I like or I do not like. However, when it comes to Love, cold logic cannot be used. People who have got this God’s gift hardly realize what is good or not very good in their chosen one. For me personally, it is important that a man has a talent regardless of his profession.

Aza, 11.01.2021 в 13:00
/ 260

Re: Поздравление с Рождеством

Hi, this is Helen. Hope you are all right. I am calling to congratulate you on Christmas. I wish you and your family every possible happiness and peace. Merry Christmas!

Aza, 24.12.2020 в 04:20
/ 260

Re: Re: На страже отечества

After at least three months away from my favorite site, it's so nice now to come back here again. Hi, everybody!

Aza, 27.08.2020 в 03:55
/ 260

Ответ к заданию: На страже отечества

Law-enforcement authorities exist to protect citizens. A citizen who cannot defend themselves should immediately contact a law-enforcement body. There is an opinion that this does not help. As a direct participant of different kinds of events, I can say that the result depends on your personal determination and persistence. In a great number of cases, a simple statement from a citizen can ruin one person’s career and make many others think.

Aza, 29.07.2020 в 04:02
/ 260

Re: Онлайн-тесты английского языка

Я сдавала недавно Cambridge ESOL (еще до появления статьи). Было 15 из 20 и рекомендация сдавать FCE. Спасибо за статью, другие ссылки также пригодятся.

Aza, 24.07.2020 в 04:47
/ 260

Ответ к заданию: Воля к свободе

Correspondent: A philosophic question: in your opinion, does prison rehabilitate a person?
Dmitry Sklyarov: Prison? I think, not. According to my contacts with some people who have been through it… They say that in America, specifically in Las Vegas, half of those people who have already been there have been imprisoned far more than once. And they will return there more than once, particularly, because it is a way to live calmly, watching television, not worrying about food, and so on.
And if someone has already chosen this road, if they like that kind of life, so, probably, nothing will be changed in their ideology if they spend some weeks, or months, or even years in a bit different environment.
As to my case, I was not going to commit a crime and I am not going to now. Therefore the prison has not really changed anything in me.

Aza, 08.07.2020 в 12:12
/ 260

Re: Re: Терминатор возвращается

If you do not try, you will never know.

Все сообщения участника Aza

Свежие комментарии:

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Re: Упражнения к уроку 2

Ильгизар: гм...никогда не вникал в транскрипцию и считал что с произношением всё в порядке, ан оказывается нэт

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