Профиль участника: Ilike2read

Звание: Что означает звание




Дата регистрации: 07.01.2019

Последнее посещение: 16.08.2021

Место жительства: Москва

Возраст: 33

Уровень английского: intermediate



читаю худ. и профессиональную литературу без словаря.
понимаю и могу объясниться с носителями языка

Показатели активности: Что такое индекс активности

Всего сообщений: 48 48
Всего ответов: 19 95
Ответов с отличием: 10 100
Звуковых: 8 40
Работ над ошибками: 8 40
Транскрибирование: 1 10
Благодарностей: 4 4
Всего баллов: 337

Репутация: Что означает репутация +4

Сообщения, отмеченные благодарностями

Последние сообщения:

Ilike2read, 28.09.2020 в 10:34
/ 337

Re: Поход в ресторан


Hi! Is it Flamingo restaurant?
I want to book a table for this Saturday evening. Something about 8 pm. Is it possible?
How many of us? 8. No kids, only adults.
You don't have such a big table? What a pity! Maybe we can move two tables together? Yes? Great!
Do you have parking lot near the restaurant? Does it have enough place for 4-5 cars? Usually does?
Very fine! Your place seems to be an ideal one!
So we'll reserve two tables for 8 p.m. tomorrow, ok? Fine!
Name's Sharpe. Richard Sharpe.
Oh! I've almost forgot! It's going to be surprise during the dinner. We want to congratulate
our friend Pete with his birthday. Can your chief prepare some kind of cake? Ask him please, I'll wait.
(2 minutes later).
So it's possible? Great! I'll be there today to pay for it. Thanks a lot! Bye!

Ilike2read, 08.08.2019 в 14:37
/ 337

Re: Новинка: Звуковое сопровождение к фонетическому разделу

У меня из трех установленных браузеров работает только в IE 7.0
Firefox и Chrome — увы frown
Поставил 10 Flash Player и все заработало и в Chrome и в Firefoxе!

Re: Little Willie, или садистские стишки по-английски
Отправлено: 08.08.2009 в 12:30
/ 337
Регистрация: 07.01.2019
Откуда: Москва
Заданий: 19
Сообщений: 48

эхх… давно я всякой фигни не писал smile

Little boy whose name was Bobby
Had a very funny hobby
Liked to play in bear's den
Now he's no more than stain

Little boys from South Park
Played the Thieves and the Police
Eric Cartman chose his mark
Poor Kenny lost his knees

Ilike2read, 18.06.2019 в 13:31
/ 337

Ответ к заданию: Кризис простыми словами

One day, granny Clava decided, that her business should be expanded, and her old enemy, granny Masha should be expelled from the market. To make it true, she started to distribute her booze to the most loyal of her customers, drunken bums, on credit terms. The sales shot up to the sky. The drunks were coming from all around. She even raised the price for her swill. Why! Where else one can find such happiness.

Ilike2read, 02.06.2019 в 02:57
/ 337

Re: Re: 8 правил Бойцовского клуба

Работа над ошибками:
1. Выбрал неверное время и артикль.
I thought there should be a fight now
2. I stumbled over this moment again and again
3. he was in the scenario, so there should be some reason for it.
4. (though I can't tell you how many times I've done it), I had an insight
5. scene was about

P.S. Сорвите с меня погоны и разжалуйте в рядовые frown

Ilike2read, 31.05.2019 в 13:01
/ 337

Ответ к заданию: 8 правил Бойцовского клуба

While watching this film for the first time, I have thought there should be the fight now, but then the episode was over. When I watched this film for the second, the third and the tenth time, I again and again stumbled over this moment. Evidently, this dude is not there by accident. He is in the scenario, so he should be there by some reason. But what's the reason? And when I was watching it for the just another time, (though I can't tell you how many times I did it) I have the insight. Then I knew what this scene is about! And now, let me explain, what really happened there.

Звуковое приложение:

(скачать mp3 файл)

Ilike2read, 27.05.2019 в 10:33
/ 337

Re: Re: Санта-Барбара в огне

работа над ошибками:
1. even one man — пропустил артикль "a", и к тому же действительно a single лучше подходит: even a single man; (надеюсь это не звучит как холостой smile )

Ilike2read, 24.05.2019 в 12:23
/ 337

Ответ к заданию: Санта-Барбара в огне

Everyone should be aware of what to do at the first signs of a forest fire. Especially at these summer days, when the danger of the fires in the forest is very high. First of all, don't panic and remember that in the first minutes even one man can easily suppress the fire. After an hour of burning, it'll be necessary to send a well equipped team, and after a day, the population of the whole region will be involved. So, when you see the starting fire in the forest, you must immediately take measures to extinguish it.

Звуковое приложение:

(скачать mp3 файл)

Ilike2read, 05.05.2019 в 23:12
/ 337

Re: Re: Загадочные фигуры Наска

опаньки!!! как же я by пропустил frown
да еще тот самый подогретый воздух! grin

Спасибо, Иван!

Все сообщения участника Ilike2read

Свежие комментарии:

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Re: Упражнения к уроку 2

Ильгизар: гм...никогда не вникал в транскрипцию и считал что с произношением всё в порядке, ан оказывается нэт

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