Доброго дня всем! Посмотрела на днях фильм Линкольн ( я видела его в Америке в кинотеатре , фильм мне понравился хотя я конечно мало что поняла) мне уж после сеанса объяснили -— и вот теперь дома на русском --все более подробно.  Замечательно. И на эту тему сочинение. 
 Abraham Lincoln is 16 president the USA .  His name is associated  with  many a stories and legends He was born in an uneducated  former's  family , Kentucky.  The boy was named in honor of his grandfather-Abraham. His father  was one of the most wealthy people in the county, but he lost all  when Lincoln was 7 years. Lincoln  attended school  less that a year because the need to help the family. And he was first who learned to read and write in his family. He very liked a books and he very much read books , political newspapers. At 26, he was elected to the state legislature.    All his free time he studied geometry , trigonometry.  Later he began  to study  law and he  passed the examination  for the title of lawyer. Once he saw slaves sold on the market in the New Arleane.  He experie1nced  a strong dislike  to this he remembered all his life.  He was speaking skills and he quickly  established.  He became the better   advocate State. At 37, he was elected to the US Congress and> ---продолжение в следующий раз.