Как я говорила раньше мы с моей учительницей Керен читаем книгу и затем я пишу изложение по каждой прочитанной главе. В этот раз я решила убить двух зайцев, написала одно сочинение для Керен и для нашего проекта. Готовясь к уроку Керен я пишу три-четырые разных истории, изложение по каждой прочитанной главе и коротенькие истории которые я пишу для практики использования не правильных глаголов. Итак:

John Grisham “The Innocent Man”
Chapter 3 begins with a meeting of two old friends. Bruce Reba and Ron Williamson, they played baseball together in the school. They were glad to meet each other again. They were young, nice-looking, single, and they immediately began looking for women.
Ron was depressed with his baseball career and his mood was unstable. Ron was drinking and used strong drugs. He gave a very hard time to his family. But when his father was diagnosed with cancer, Ron’s problems became less important for his family. Ron’s father had surgery in Oklahoma City in early 1978, but he died on April 1978.
Ron continues to love drink. He was arrested on May 5, because Lyza Lentzch reported to police that Ron raped her. On September 9, another woman reported that Ron raped her too. But Ron explained to the jury that sex with the woman was mutual consent. The jury believed Ron and found him not guilty.
On January 8, 1980 Dr. Prosser tried to diagnose schizophrenia, but Ron did not cooperate with the treatment team for a complete diagnosis. His doctor was sure that Ron has mental issue. But Ron found a job, met some friends was involved with a church and his case was closed. On July 1981 he was arrested for being drunk in public and pleaded guilty and then he said to the doctor in the Hospital that he needs help.