Профиль участника: Элеонор Келли

Звание: Что означает звание



Вебсайт: www.youtube.com/watch?v=PVF7HwueMT8

Дата регистрации: 06.05.2023

Последнее посещение: 09.05.2023

Место жительства: Салехард

Возраст: 12

Уровень английского: Elementary

Подпись: Stacy_Love2001


Я обожаю английский язык, и стараюсь обучаться хорошо. Хоть мне и 12 лет, но по английскому я читаю учебники по 9 классу. Надеюсь, я здесь принесу хорошие успехи. Всем желаю удачи.
(кстати, кто хочет перейти на мой сайт в ютубе, пожалуйста, поставте галочку и проголосуйте)

Показатели активности: Что такое индекс активности

Всего ответов: 23 115
Ответов с отличием: 2 20
Всего баллов: 135

Последние сообщения:

Элеонор Келли, 09.05.2023 в 07:11
/ 135

Ответ к заданию: День Дурака на «Английском без дураков»

Vasily Tsutsykov appeared to be a tall man about 35 years old with narrow face and wearing glasses in golden frame. He nervously held in his hands a crimson paper-case, and looked amazingly at crumpled papers scattered everywhere throughout the room. His long hair was grasped with a rubber ring. A gay, Vadim Petrovich thought getting grieved, but what's the difference? He pointed to the free chair. Tsutsykov instantly opened his folder and took out a paper full of notes scribbled with the fountain pen.

Элеонор Келли, 09.05.2023 в 07:09
/ 135

Ответ к заданию: Выбираем меньшее из двух зол

Analysts are spending to searching clue of mysterious Bush phenomenon.
Chief Executive Reagan was regarded as a nice blockhead too (as one historian defined him), which did not hamper his career as one of the most respected presidents. Quite possible Junior Bush has always been a president who excels Reagan in understanding the mysterious American soul. He excels tactician of genius, Bill Clinton, too.
He find the same moral values (no same-sex marriage, no abortion), that most Americans proved to be more important than the Iraq war or state of economics.
Those who do not recognize the Bush political talents, they say that just went to the coin: the president has put to the heads, and the heads he has got. This debate — whether the Bush victory is the result of his "special insight" or random luck — will go on for a long time.
But both supporters and opponents of the American leader agreed that the first decade of the new millennium is going to be the Decade of Bush.

Элеонор Келли, 09.05.2023 в 07:08
/ 135

Ответ к заданию: Воля к свободе

I would remind that the Russian programmer Dmitrij Sklarov was arrested by the USA government in July, 2001. He was accused of hacking and spent 21 day behind the bars.
Corr.: Now a philosophical question: does prison reform people in your opinion?
D.S.: Prison? No, I believe it dosen't, judging by some imprisoned peole … They say that in America, particularly in Las-Vegas, half of those people are not for the first time there. And they will return there not for once. It is because prison is a good way of calm and comfortable living without worrying about food etc.
And if it happened that a person has chosen this way of living, if he does like it, there nothing will change for him with a small chage in his surrounding.
As far as I'm concerned, I've never commited crimes and not going to. So, prison has nothing changed in me for sure.

Элеонор Келли, 09.05.2023 в 07:05
/ 135

Ответ к заданию: 8 правил Бойцовского клуба

When i was watching this movie for the first time, i thought there would have been a fight, but the scene was just over. When i was watching it for the second, third or tenth time i kept stumbling over the moment.

Obviously, that guy in the episode wasn`t there just by accident, he had been detailed in the script, his presence would make some sence. But what sence? And once during the one of the "movie-sessions" (really i would find difficulty in count which one) i was illuminated. I suddenly understood what this scene meant! Now let me explain what happened in the frame exactly.

Элеонор Келли, 09.05.2023 в 07:01
/ 135

Ответ к заданию: Маугли под заботливой опекой

1. Hunting Call
2. wild bees
3. охота для развлечения
4. Baloo was teaching Mowgli the Law of the Jungle.
5. disturbed, repeated, answered

Элеонор Келли, 09.05.2023 в 07:00
/ 135

Ответ к заданию: Знакомство с Маугли

1. The Low of the Jungle
2. a cub
3. волчья стая
4. Akela had led the Pack for a year
5. pushed, called, sat

Элеонор Келли, 09.05.2023 в 05:35
/ 135

Ответ к заданию: Дары волхвов — Часть 2

1. Christmas, Xmas, Xm., (варианты: Yuletide, Yule).

2. comb, tooth-comb.

3. gift, present, (варианты: donation, grant).

4. Jim was only twenty two.

5. The combs were made of pure tortoise shell.

6. I had my watch repared.

Элеонор Келли, 09.05.2023 в 05:29
/ 135

Ответ к заданию: Дары волхвов — Часть 1

1. Мясник, бакалейщик
2. Della's hair
3. Jim's gold watch
4. She had saved 1 dollar 87 cents.
5. Della got 20 dollars for her hair.
6. had been made, had turned

Элеонор Келли, 08.05.2023 в 05:17
/ 135

Ответ к заданию: Голубой карбункул — Часть 4

1. Cердитый, раздраженный
2. Owner
3. Мы платили за наше пиво и пили его
4. Breckinridge bought the geese from Mrs Oakshott
5. Me, she, you

Элеонор Келли, 08.05.2023 в 05:16
/ 135

Ответ к заданию: Голубой карбункул — Часть 3

1. Подняться по ступенькам.
2. Expensive.
3. Я могу снова зайти после работы этим вечером.
4. The goose club was created at The Alpha, a pub near the British Museum.
5. Dirty, old, black.

Все сообщения участника Элеонор Келли

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Всего: 40305 (+1)

Лидеры месяца:

alexsmirnov 20

Свежие комментарии:

Re: Благородный Робин Гуд

Ильгизар: Сначала задание показалось оочень сложным, половину текста на слух не воспринял, очень много незнакомых…

Re: Упражнения к уроку 2

Ильгизар: гм...никогда не вникал в транскрипцию и считал что с произношением всё в порядке, ан оказывается нэт

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Stampede: А меня может кто-то поддержать?Да поддержим, alexsmirnov, вы главное начните :).

Re: Как я изучала английский по Скайп

alexsmirnov: Тоже был такой опыт изучения английского, в принципе неплохой )

Re: Посоветуйте лучшие курсы английского

alexsmirnov: ходил на курсы Ielts, только хорошие впечатления)
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