Профиль участника: fidan

Звание: Что означает звание




Дата регистрации: 06.04.2023

Последнее посещение: 29.03.2014

Место жительства: baku

Возраст: 16

Уровень английского: xorow



ya lyublu angliyskiy no ne tak xorowo moqu qovorit bez slovsra ya dobraya xorowaya umnaya krasivaya poxoja na model i lublu wmotki ili odevat koqo ta krasivo

Показатели активности: Что такое индекс активности

Всего сообщений: 5 5
Всего ответов: 36 180
Ответов с отличием: 1 10
Всего баллов: 195

Последние сообщения:

fidan, 16.06.2023 в 12:51
/ 195

Ответ к заданию: С праздником, милые женщины!

We'll get you in hiking dreams caress,
On the tops of rocky carve
All your names simple.
And we burn in the fire, and in cold styn
In the mountains, the rivers, the deserts,
Woe to drink handfuls drunk.

fidan, 28.04.2023 в 12:20
/ 195

Re: Re: Неудержимая тяга к знаниям

ne vsem tyanet k znaniyam nekotoriye ne dumayut o svoem buduwem a koqda bivayut povzroslee to dumayut pro sebya vot ya pridurok ili dura

fidan, 28.04.2023 в 12:18
/ 195

Ответ к заданию: Неудержимая тяга к знаниям

«We hope that theoretical knowledges of rules of the travelling road, stopped up in a video film, will help children correctly to behave on the road — said T. of Zybina. — For example, in a film told about innovations in PDD. In particular, that it is impossible to walk around a streetcar at the front, and bus behind, as it was conventionally before. It is necessary at first to reach to the sidewalk, go away from a road, find the zebra crossing, and only after to pass a trafficway. It will help not to subject the life of danger,and not to mix up other participants of motion.»

fidan, 28.04.2023 в 12:13
/ 195

Re: Re: На страже отечества

razkaz interesen)sovetuyu posmoret)

fidan, 28.04.2023 в 12:12
/ 195

Ответ к заданию: На страже отечества

For defence of citizens there are organs of guard of law and order. To the citizen which can not defend oneself, it is necessary immediately to appeal to the organs of guard of law and order. Opinion exists, that it gives nothing. As a direct participant of different sort of events, report: a result depends on your personal resolution and persistence. In an enormous amount cases an unintricate paper from a citizen can break one quarry and compel thoughtful great number other.

fidan, 28.04.2023 в 12:11
/ 195

Re: Re: Майкл Мур срывает покровы

ya xochu bit maqistorom)

fidan, 28.04.2023 в 12:10
/ 195

Ответ к заданию: Майкл Мур срывает покровы

In-process doctor every change is important. Somewhere did not write something, did not mark, did not specify — tomorrow can appear guilty. I suppose that especially easily to plant a district internist for a grate, in fact for him daily ten of patients, so much cards and different monthly, quarterly and annual reports are at the very limited time. And if there are not reports — znachit, nothing and did not do, will be without a bonus.

fidan, 28.04.2023 в 12:08
/ 195

Ответ к заданию: Пираты XXI века

Characteristically, that redemption for us was got by not pirates, but elders of their clan, which, think, divided him not only into the gang, but also sent part of facilities on oversea addresses. Probably, by the presence of foreign promoters and the technical equipped of pirates is explained. From where differently to take ultraspeed cutters and supersovremennye communication means Gangsters-Africans?

fidan, 26.04.2023 в 16:20
/ 195

Ответ к заданию: Санта-Барбара в огне

Everybody is under an obligation to know that he is necessary to do at the first signs of forest fire. Especially as now after a window summer, and in-field is a pozharoopasnyy period. Foremost, not panic and remember that in the first minutes with a fire can manage one man. In a hour on the same fire it will be necessary to send the well equipped command, and after days — to lift the population of all district. Therefore, noticing the arising up spunking of the forest or forest fire, it is necessary immediately to take measures to extinguishing of fire.

fidan, 26.04.2023 в 16:18
/ 195

Ответ к заданию: Свиной грипп атакует

Who is «untwisting» of virus of «pork flu advantageous»? The novoizbrannyy president of the USA occurs above all things. He needs the laurel chaplet of «rescuer of homeland» quickly, and very vskorosti ordinary Americans will begin to be set a question: «where results?». As they are not present, the epidemic of flu fully quietly will distract attention of inhabitant on a few months, and there and will be what to boast.

Все сообщения участника fidan

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Re: Упражнения к уроку 2

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