Профиль участника: VictoriaNew

Звание: Что означает звание


Дата регистрации: 04.12.2022

Последнее посещение: 02.07.2023

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Показатели активности: Что такое индекс активности

Всего ответов: 29 145
Ответов с отличием: 11 110
Всего баллов: 255

Последние сообщения:

VictoriaNew, 31.03.2023 в 20:42
/ 255

Ответ к заданию: Эволюционная картина мира

Darwin made a number of predictions in his works, which were successfully proved. This is what we call a diagnostic mark of science. For instance, he predicted existence of extinct transitional forms from ape to human. A quick reminder, at the time of creation of “The Descent of a Man” the pithecanthropus, Australopithecus and things like that were not yet discovered. Darwin paid attention to the strange fact, that the pre-Cambrian geological strata do not contain multicellular organisms, which were found there though in the middle of 20 century.

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VictoriaNew, 31.03.2023 в 19:11
/ 255

Ответ к заданию: Худеем с умом

However an apple for dinner may be not the best choice for some. ‘Apples contain organic acids and a big amount of rough fiber, which irritates stomach walls and causes feeling of discomfort. Those who stuck to apple diet know, this is harder than it looks like’, Olga Pozniak says. Those with stomach or intestine issues should know, not every fruit is good to eat fasting.

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VictoriaNew, 29.03.2023 в 15:55
/ 255

Ответ к заданию: Терминатор возвращается

Direct time travel talks are pretty sensitive issue. You risk switching to calls for investing budget money into some nonsense or request to restrict research. Indeed, how can we protect ourselves from someone with a time travel machine? They are able to change the very history and rule the world. Only some of us are careless enough to work on an issue which has fame in the physics society as a politically incorrect.

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VictoriaNew, 28.03.2023 в 13:18
/ 255

Ответ к заданию: Так говорят дауны

To succeed in learning languages you need to realize the basic thing – this is not an intellectual exercise. This looks more like muscles training then an effort to understand the math formula. All you need to do is do the right things regularly. The more intensive your lessons are, the better the result.

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VictoriaNew, 17.02.2023 в 20:35
/ 255

Ответ к заданию: Страсти по Христу

Trying to find any slightest explanation of the strange Pilate’s favor towards Christ, Matthew the Evangelist refers to the procurator’s wife protection, who says she had a respective vision. The wife? Oh, please! Even if the procurator was really married and his wife’s opinion on state matters meant something more than his horse’s, how did she turn out to be in Jerusalem?

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VictoriaNew, 12.02.2023 в 16:05
/ 255

Ответ к заданию: Свиной грипп атакует

Who benefits from swine flu virus promotion? First of all, we think of the newly elected USA president. He is in urgent need of a motherland saviour laurels, otherwise an average American would soon ask about results, which are none, that’s why swine flu would distract him for several months till there is something to be proud of.

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VictoriaNew, 05.02.2023 в 12:38
/ 255

Ответ к заданию: Санта-Барбара в огне

Everyone should know the measures they should take seeing the first signs of forest fire. It is even more relevant now, during the season of summer and high fire risk. First of all, no panic, remember that even a single person can deal with fire during first minutes of inflammation. In an hour a well-equipped team only can deal with the same fire, in a day – the whole neighbourhood. That’s why if the inflammation in a forest is noticed, the necessary extinguishing measures are to be taken.

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VictoriaNew, 04.02.2023 в 15:21
/ 255

Ответ к заданию: С праздником, милые женщины!

We carve your names on mountings tops,
We caress you in our dreams when hiking,
We burn in fire and freeze in colds,
Getting drunk with handfuls of wining.

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VictoriaNew, 03.02.2023 в 20:08
/ 255

Ответ к заданию: С праздником весны и любви!

There will be lots of travels and wonderings,
Love is a great country.
It will be stricter with the ordeals for its knights.
It will deprive them of piece, rest and sleep.
But no one can turn the madmen back,
There are willing to pay any price and risk their life,
To save and keep from breaking the invisible thread
Stretched between them.
The fresh wind intoxicated the chosen,
Knock them down and resuscitated.
If you did not love,
You did not live and did not breath.

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VictoriaNew, 29.01.2023 в 20:03
/ 255

Ответ к заданию: Россия — чемпион!

Before the series start almost each Canadian news-paper reported the netminder Vladislav Tretiak to be a weak link in the Soviet team. There was a reason for that. The NHL scouts had been to Moscow in august and attended the friendly match between Soviets and CSKA. I couldn’t have played worse by missing an incredible amount of goals, nine, I will explain later why. The Canadian specialists noted, “Tretiak seems to be very young to stand against NHL. He acts unconfident in complicated situations and is the weakest link in the Soviet team.” These words will later quote all Canadian papers.

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Все сообщения участника VictoriaNew

Свежие комментарии:

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Re: Упражнения к уроку 2

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