Профиль участника: arita

Звание: Что означает звание


Дата регистрации: 20.02.2021

Последнее посещение: 10.06.2021

Место жительства:


Уровень английского:



Показатели активности: Что такое индекс активности

Всего сообщений: 2 2
Всего ответов: 16 80
Ответов с отличием: 8 80
Звуковых: 15 75
Всего баллов: 237

Последние сообщения:

arita, 20.03.2021 в 16:34
/ 237

Ответ к заданию: Застывшие снежинки

Observing snowflakes may become an easy and fascinating hobby, especially in our latitudes where snowfalls are not uncommon during the winter. In order to be able to identify what kind of crystals are falling down from the sky at any given time, you only need to carry a folding magnifying glass in your pocket. 3 times magnification will allow you to determine the exact type of snowflake, 5 times magnification will make it possible to examine the configuration of arms in detail, and magnification of 10 will enable you to see the facets of prisms and columns.

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arita, 14.03.2021 в 15:10
/ 237

Ответ к заданию: Загадочные фигуры Наска

Perhaps, these figures were designed by priests of a lost civilization to preserve their secret knowledge. That is what these findings of rock drawings seem to confirm. In the 1970s, a tetrahedron-shaped flying machine was built from one of them. Filled with air heated by a wood fire, it did fly over the valley for several minutes, reaching a height of 200 meters. It appears, then, that ancient Peruvians could fly… Using another rock drawing as a model, a Peruvian pilot Eduardo Herran built a hang-glider, and made a one and a half hour non-stop flight across the desert.

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arita, 10.03.2021 в 09:04
/ 237

Ответ к заданию: День Святого Валентина

Here begins the second legend of Saint Valentine. While in prison awaiting execution, Valentine fell in love with the jailor’s daughter. She returned his affection and came to visit him in his dungeon. On the eve of the execution, Valentine wrote his beloved a letter, ending it with the words, “Your Valentine.” That is how the valentine card came into being.

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arita, 08.03.2021 в 07:41
/ 237

Re: Re: День Дурака на «Английском без дураков»

Вашими молитвами, Stampede smile.

Сайт у вас, правда, замечательный.

arita, 07.03.2021 в 14:37
/ 237

Ответ к заданию: День Дурака на «Английском без дураков»

Vasiliy Tsutsykov was a skinny man of thirty-five with gold rimmed glasses and a narrow face. He nervously clutched a purple leather folder in his hands, stealing amazed glances at crumpled pieces of paper lying around the office. His long hair was tied back in a ponytail. “Gay”, Vadim Petrovich thought disappointedly. “But what do I care?” He nodded at a vacant armchair. Tsutsykov promptly opened the folder and got out a sheet of paper scribbled in ballpoint.

arita, 05.03.2021 в 16:32
/ 237

Ответ к заданию: Выбираем меньшее из двух зол

Analysts are looking for a clue to explain the mysterious Bush phenomenon. President Reagan was also an “affable dunce” (according to one historian), but that did not prevent him from becoming one of the most respected presidents. It looks like George Bush Junior has even outdone Mr Reagan – and outshined a brilliant tactician Bill Clinton – in understanding the mysterious American soul. He has found precisely those moral values (same-sex marriages should not be allowed to happen, abortion should be banned) that have proved to be more important to most Americans than the war in Iraq or economic conditions.

Those who are not willing to admit Bush’s political talents say his victory was simply a matter of luck: he bet on heads and it came up heads. The controversy over whether Mr Bush won as the result of his “extraordinary sagacity” or of pure luck will go on for a long time. But both supporters and opponents of the American leader agree that the first decade of the new millennium has become the Bush decade.

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arita, 02.03.2021 в 07:05
/ 237

Re: Re: Воля к свободе

К сожалению, как не пыталась, я так и не смогла выложить звуковой файл. Видимо, сегодня не мой деньsmile

arita, 02.03.2021 в 07:02
/ 237

Ответ к заданию: Воля к свободе

Let me remind you that a Russian programmer Dmitry Sklyarov was arrested by the U.S. authorities in July 2001 on charges of hacking and spent 21 days behind bars.

Correspondent: In your opinion, does prison rehabilitate people?

Dmitry Sklyarov: Rehabilitate? I don’t think so. I know some people who have been to prison… They say in America, particularly in Las Vegas, half of those who do time are anything but newcomers to prison. And they will surely go back inside over and over again. Simply because it is a way of living a comfortable life, when you have the TV in front of you, do not have to worry about food, and so on.

And if you have taken this path, if you enjoy living like this, then you will hardly change your views merely because you spend a few weeks, months or years in a somewhat different environment.

In my case, I have never committed a crime, nor am I going to. So prison has not changed me.

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arita, 26.02.2021 в 13:13
/ 237

Ответ к заданию: 8 правил Бойцовского клуба

When I was watching this movie for the first time, I expected a fight to be now, but the scene came to an end and nothing happened. Watching the movie for the second, third and tenth time, I stumbled upon this moment again and again.

No doubt, that guy did not appear in the scene by mere chance, he was written into the script to convey some meaning. But what? And while seeing the film one more time (it is really hard to tell, which one), I finally got the idea! I realized what this scene was for! And now let me explain, what really happened there.

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arita, 25.02.2021 в 05:46
/ 237

Ответ к заданию: Признание в любви

The character from another fascinating movie "P.S. — I love you" had left his wife 14 declarations of love, and she discovered them for months after his sudden death. Of course, these declarations did not work a miracle — the loving hearts did not come together to a happy end, but the messages from beyond life and death helped the desperate widow who at first could not imagine her life without her beloved.

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Все сообщения участника arita

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